Corporate Responsibility Report

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    Click to view full report!

You can view the full pdf report and blog launch here View the full report Won 4 Platinum MarComm Awards. This included photographing employees in the work setting for selected photos for the report, as well as assisting with designing and integrating the report for…

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Animation: SOT 2018 BOOT Design

Animated Boot with ICF branding was created for the SOT2018 Conference in theme for the charity Painting Event. This was used for social media, and email marketing.

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Infographic Design: Opioids in the US

  • Click to view full article and map!

    Click to view full article and map!

Designed infographic for the ICF Blog post on Opioid Addiction. You can view the post and infographic here

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Pattern & Illustration

Pattern & Illustration

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Discovery Education: Ways to Win Email

Discovery Education has a variety of partnerships with different organizations catering towards educational lesson plans, competitions. and educational guides for students K-12. This email represented challenges that 9 sponsorships were hosting. The email was coded from scratch and was also responsive. The process of the…

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Discovery Education: Discovering Farmland Web Ads

Discovering Farmland is a sponsor of Discovery Education. I created an animated web banner ad suite for their Smart Choices Lesson Activity. Click here to view the animation

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Discovery Education: Skinner Foundation Virtual Lab Marketing/Web Ads

The Skinner Foundation: client for Discovery Education, launched a Virtual Lab for High School students to learn more about the science behind Breast Cancer. Created full marketing suite (animated and static) in a variety of sizes to promote the Virtual Lab. Click here to see…

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Discovery Education: Read Charlotte Marketing/Web Ads

Read Charlotte: A sponsor for Discovery Education. To view animation of the 300×250 tile, click here

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PenFed: Auto Loan Email

Created a generic email advertising all Auto Loans with information on why one should apply. This is a campaign that was created from scratch and could also be used as a template for other emails. This is a twist with PenFed Branding, and also adding…

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PenFed: Access America Checking Email

Designed and email from scratch for PenFed’s Access America Checking product. This email was also coded and set up for all mail platforms. This is a new design ready to be tested with the current campaign that is running. This is a new concept to…

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Mavra Design

Mavra Design